Title: ELT in India: A Brief Historical and Current Overview

If we know the significance of the history of English language in India. we can easily understand the importance of English in now a days. my Intention is to show the importance of english in the world

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Due to its association with the British colonizer, English started life in India as not just a foreign language, but as a much hated language. From the despised instrument of oppression to the reluctantly adopted lingua franca to the status symbol of the upper classes to its position today as a second language, English has come a long way. English Language, the language of news, business, information, opportunity, employment, power and prestige in India, has become the synonym of all progress in the recent years. The liberalization of the Indian economy ushered in all kinds of reasons to learn this language. English language teaching (ELT) has acquired new dimensions in as much as it has crept itself into diverse methods of ELT at school as well as college levels.

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English is larger than any of the communities in which it is used. The members of these communities need to be fully aware of the international linguistic resources at their disposal. One positive and natural outcome of this unique state of affairs is that no one can even think today about who owns the language or try to restrict its many varieties. In the multilingual context of India, English adds a unique and distinct colour. Used extensively in communication, trade, business, media, technology, education, etc., it really has a purpose- bound presence and does not operate in vacuum. Many institutions of higher learning provide special training to improve English language communicative skills. Yet majority of the students lack proper communicative competence in English. Companies that come for campus recruitment look for students who are articulate in their conversations. Experts believe that students in India face problems in campus recruitment or interviews because of poor spoke.

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English is larger than any of the communities in which it is used. The members of these communities need to be fully aware of the international linguistic resources at their disposal. One positive and natural outcome of this unique state of affairs is that no one can even think today about who owns the language or try to restrict its many varieties. In the multilingual context of India, English adds a unique and distinct colour. Used extensively in communication, trade, business, media, technology, education, etc., it really has a purposebound presence and does not operate in vacuum. Many institutions of higher learning provide special training to improve English language communicative skills. Yet majority of the students lack proper communicative competence in English. Companies that come for campus recruitment look for students who are articulate in their conversations. Experts believe that students in India face problems in campus recruitment or interviews because of poor spoken .

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English Language Teaching and learning has become very complex in India. This is mainly because of the issues, debates and discussions about the position of English language in India. The purpose of introducing English language in India has been served because it was very intricately and beautifully woven into the lives of Indians. The language is accepted on the surface level but resisted at the cultural and psychological levels. Challenges like ideological and political opposition to English language, encouragement of Mother tongue based education, poor infrastructure, non-availability of qualified teachers have made English language teaching (ELT) in India a difficult and strenuous task.

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The axiom ‘Many a little, makes a mickle’ holds good in the case of English Language also when we speak of British colonial hegemony. It has spread its spell across the length and breadth of the globe. The diehard lovers of their language of the people of Japan and the China have also fallen prey to the fascination of English. The advent of the English in India too, has widened the avenues in the field of national and international levels not only in literature but also in the corporate world. Who can be oblivious of the capacious contributions of the European scholars and lexicographers like Charles Philip Brown, Rev. Ferdinand Kittel and Johann Philip Fabricius, to name a few; they have enriched Indian linguistic treasures so much so that their literary works are the lighthouse. In a nutshell, English is a Lingua Franca of the world. By now, it is an indispensable medium of communication. Its educative value cannot be denied.

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Language is a part of culture as well as shaped by it. Culture on the other hand is transmitted through language. The two are so intricately woven together that it is difficult to talk about one without referring to other. The content words of a language are not only unites of it but they also represent a cultural unites of the particular culture. With the acquisition of first language one also acquires social and cultural identity and it is practically very difficult to abandon these identities while writing in second language. Indian English Writings are the products of those individuals who have acquire Indian social and cultural identity through their first language and have acquired English, the language of their creative expression, in schools as second language. Thus, they are bound to express their own culture in their creative writings in the form of ways of living, symbolism and mythology, religious and social organization etc. The present paper explores the benefits of using Indian English texts in teaching English in India as they are more akin to Indian students than the western texts.

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In the present scenario, English is a widely spoken language. It is referred to 'global language', the Multi-lingua franca of the modern era. It is the language most often taught as a second language around the world. In India, English is used in the process of communication with the outside world, It is also used for interstate and intrastate communication. India does have great ethnic and linguistic diversity and we can therefore find English acting as an indispensable 'link' language. With the advanced development in Information Technology, Science, Medical, Irrigation, Education, Mass communication, software and operating systems, a new utility for written and oral communication in the English language has emerged. English is said to be the world's most important language which has communicative and educative value. English is used all over the world not out of any compulsion but because of the realization that it has certain advantages.

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