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Chen A, Bongers B and Iedema R Visual melodies interactive installation for creating a relaxing environment in a healthcare setting Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group: Design: Open 24/7, (361-364)

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Skin color enhancement based on favorite skin color in HSV color space

Skin color enhancement based on favorite skin color is proposed to make skin color displayed on large screen flat panel TVs agree with human favorite skin color. A robust skin detection method in different intensity is obtained after analyzing the .

Contrast Enhancement of RGB Color Images by Histogram Equalization of Color Vectors’ Intensities

Intelligent Computing Methodologies

Abstract The histogram equalization (HE) is a technique developed for image contrast enhancement of grayscale images. For RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color images, the HE is usually applied in the color channels separately; due to correlation between the color .

Feasibility study on quality evaluation of Jadeite-jade color green based on GemDialogue color chip

The paper studied quality evaluation of Jadeite-jade color green through GemDialogue. There are five green-related color codes in GemDialogue, including G2Y, Y2G, G, B2G and G2B. After parametric analysis on three measured color masks with different .